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2020 Conversation Series

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ACEs Screening

Invited guests:
Warren Larkin, Consultant Clinical Psych & Univ of Sunderland
Rena Romano, Sur-THRIVER of child sexual abuse

One of the issues that generates strongest feelings within the UK’s ACES discussions is that of screening.  What are its risks?  Does it have any benefits?  Who should it be done by, if anyone?  Where does power lie?  Please join us to hear from two individuals with considerable experience in thinking about scoring, screening and routine enquiry. 


ACEs & Poverty

Invited guests:
Sir Michael Marmot, UCL Institute of Health Equity
Benjamin Perks, UNICEF New York & Univ of Birmingham

How does the goal of preventing ACES fit with the goal of reducing poverty?  Does focusing on one distract from the other, or do they complement one another?  Please join us as two voices of international renown offer their perspectives.


ACEs & Human Rights

Invited guests:
Mary Glasgow, CEO, Children1st
Juliet Harris, Director, Scottish Alliance of Children’s Rights

Is tackling adverse childhood experiences a matter of human rights?  This is a good time to consider that question, as Scotland works to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  Please join us as two of the country’s leading voices in that campaign offer their perspective on ACES.